In some environments, users may forget to shut down their computers at the end of the day. Keeping one’s computer on allows it to receive important updates and patches from Microsoft. However, computers also use a lot of energy when staying powered on for a long time. You can have your computer receive updates, but also shut down automatically at a specific time so that it doesn’t stay on all day using energy that could be used elsewhere. The steps below will show you how to do that when using Windows 11. To get started with scheduling Windows 11, follow the steps below:

How to automatically turn off Windows 11 computer

As mentioned above, it’s important to keep Windows 11 on to receive important updates. However, keeping your computer on forever may not be a good thing for your energy bills. You can schedule your computer to shut down automatically so that energy isn’t wasted. To do that, go to the Start menu, then search for and select the “Task Scheduler” app as shown in the image below. When Task Scheduler opens, click on Task Scheduler Library, and on the right pane, click Create Task.. as highlighted below. A new pop-up settings pane should open up. On the General tab, type in a name for the task, and a description (optional), select “Run whether the user is logged on or not” and “Run with highest privileges”. All are highlighted below. Then select “Configure for Windows 10 or Windows 11“ Next, select the Triggers tab. Then click the New. button. On the pop-up settings pane, select the task to begin “On a schedule”, then choose “Daily” for the task to run. Choose the Start date and time, and the task should recur every “1” day. Also, check the Enabled box at the bottom to enable the task. Click OK to close the trigger settings. Next, click the Actions tab, and click the New. button. A new actions pop-up settings pane should appear. There, select “Start a program” for the action. Under Program/script: type in shutdown.exe with arguments: /s /t 60 “Computer will shutdown in 60 seconds”. Program/script: shutdown.exe Add arguments (optional): /s /t 60 “Computer will shutdown in 60 seconds” Click OK to save settings. Next, select the Conditions tab. Then uncheck the box that reads “Start the task only if the computer is on AC power” and check the box for “Wake the computer to run this task“. Click OK to exit. When you click OK on the last screen, it will prompt you to type your account password to save the task. Retype your password and click OK. Once finished, a new task should be created with the settings you created above. That’s it! If you change your mind about shutting your PC automatically, simply log back to Task Scheduler and delete the task. Conclusion: This post showed you how to schedule a task in Windows to automatically shut down the computer at a specific time. If you find any error above, please use the comment form below to report.