AWStats uses log file analysis to analyze log files from Apache2, IIS, and other popular web servers in use today. It’s a very handy tool to have when you have to analyze your traffic and other data. A complete enterprise-grade server and log monitoring software. This brief tutorial shows students and new users how to install and configure the AWStats monitoring server on Ubuntu 16.04 | 17.10 | 18.04 LTS servers. This post will show you how to perform a basic configuration after installation. You’ll also be able to log on to the AWStats server once installed. For more about AWStats, please visit its homepage. When you’re ready, continue below with the steps:

Install Apache2

Before installing AWStats server packages, make sure the Apache2 HTTP server is installed. to do that on Ubuntu run the commands below.

Install AWStats

To install AWStats on the Ubuntu server, simply run the commands below. the command will fetch the current stable AWStats version in Ubuntu repositories and install it.

Configure AWStats

Now that AWStats has been installed, run the commands below to open its default configuration file. Then change the highlighted lines below to add your server name and save the file. After that, run the commands below to create the AWStats web configuration file. Next, run the commands below to open the configuration file you just created and make the highlighted changes below: Then make the highlighted changes and save the file. After that, run the commands below to enable the AWStats module. Next, restart Apache2 for the changes to apply. Finally, run the commands below to adjust AWStats permissions and update. Finally, open your browser and browse to the server IP or hostname followed by the URI (/cgi-bin/ ) You should see the AWStats page. That’s it! You have successfully installed and configured AWStats on Ubuntu 16.04 | 18.04 LTS server. You may also like the post below: